Simplest Email Verifier tool online. When you are not sure whether the email address you are going to use actually exist or not, this email check comes into use. To use this tool you just need to enter the receipient email address and it will tell you whether email address is correct or not.


❖Verify Email Existance

Why and how to clean a list of email addresses?

To clean up an email list is to delete the invalid addresses it contains. These invalid addresses have a very negative impact on your deliverability and sender reputation. For the actual cleaning, two sets of techniques can be used:

  • Validation Technique
  • Verification Technique

Also check our Email Extractor tool

Invalid email addresses have a very negative impact on your deliverability

Let's start with some elements of definition, to understand what we are talking about and better perceive the issues. Invalid email addresses are those that return an error message. For example, if you send an email to , you will receive an error or failure message (= a "bounce") telling you that your email could not be delivered. For the simple reason that the email address in question does not exist. The reasons why an email is not delivered are multiple. There are two categories of error messages:

  • Hard bounces, which tell you that the email address does not exist (because it contains errors) or more (because the user does not use it anymore). These are "definitive" error messages, in the sense that you will never be able to send emails on the address in question. The addresses are definitely invalid.
  • Soft bounces, which correspond to temporary error messages. The email address does exist, but your message could not be delivered for any reason (for example: the recipient's inbox is full, or the mail server is temporarily unavailable). In general, soft bounces are not a problem: when the recipient has sorted in his inbox, your emails will be delivered again. On the other hand, if you receive soft bounces several times over a given period of time, this may mean that the emails concerned are filtered by the email client or by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In these cases, it is advisable to clean these email addresses.

The rate of hard bounce and soft bounce is an indicator used by ISPs to identify spammers. This is a very strong variable in calculating the reputation of your IP address or your sender domain. However, we know that a bad shipper reputation results in penalties from mail clients and ISPs, penalties that have a direct impact on your deliverability rate. In addition, the services of sending emails can also penalize you if your bounce rate exceeds a certain level (slow speed of routing, depreciation of the reputation of your IP address, etc.). When the damage is done and your reputation as a sender has been hit hard, it is very difficult to get by. Preventing costs a lot less. That's why you need to take a pro-active approach and regularly clean up your mailing lists. This is clearly not a luxury!

You may be wondering why having a good deliverability rate is so important in email marketing. There are several answers to this question, as a good deliverability rate has several benefits. First, you save money: you will not spend more money sending emails to addresses that do not exist or that do not respond. In addition, this allows you to have more accurate statistics for your email marketing campaigns. Indeed, poor deliverability can impact most other indicators: open rate, click rate, responsiveness rate. More generally, a low deliverability rate is detrimental to the conversion of your campaigns, because, obviously, an undelivered email can not convert. Ultimately, improve its deliverability rate,

Do not confuse validation and verification of email addresses

In computer science and more particularly in the field of emails, Validate and verify are not two interchable terms, but if they are two things quite close. Let's start with validation. Validate emails is to check that the syntax of the addresses is correct, that the domain name of the addresses exists, that there is an MX record (to associate the domain name with the mail server), etc. This is, in a word, to ensure that the email addresses in your list are "valid" and possibly, where possible, correct the errors, for example by replacing the addresses in in by correcting punctuation errors. Validation of email addresses is based on an analysis of your list.

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